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Boarding Safety


Supervision - Recommended supervision levels are:-

1 Adult for every 6 pupils in years 1 to 3 (under 8's)

1 Adult for every 10-15 pupils in years 4 to 6 (8 to 10 year olds)

1 Adult for every 15-20 pupils in years 7 onwards (11 year olds upwards)

Getting on and off the coach - Liaise with your driver at all times before boarding the vehicle. Supervise boarding and alighting and make sure pupils do not rush to board. Send two supervisors to cover the emergency exits first. Do not leave children onboard alone, especially when the driver is not onboard. Get everyone to sit down quickly and quietly. Alighting is best organised a row at a time, starting at the front. This procedure will actually save time!

Where to sit - Supervisors should sit around the coach (not all together in a group) preferably with one person close to an emergency exit.

Emergencies - Make sure you know where the emergency exits are located - some coaches have a 'break glass' system - identify where the safety hammers are located. Drivers will/should brief you before departure.

A tidy coach is a safe coach - Please keep the coach clean, please remember to bring some bin-bags along. Items such as empty glass bottles can be dangerous, especially when rolling around a coach. Other rubbish (and not just banana skins) can be a potential hazard. Chewing gum can cause particular problems on upholstery. If you know some pupils are prone to travel sickness put them in the centre of the coach, where there is less movement, and bring some sick bags!

Breakdowns - In the unlikely event of a breakdown, especially on a busy road or motorway, think about whether to agree with the driver that you will take the pupils off the coach or else move the children from the back end to the front end (to avoid any risks from a rear end collision). Ultimately, this is the driver's responsibility, but if the pupils are going to be safe on the side of a busy road you need to prevent them from running around and endangering their safety.

Distractions - We want everyone to enjoy their trip, but remember the company and the driver have your comfort and safety in mind. Avoid the use of cameras with flashes - this can distract the driver. Try and avoid pupils bringing balloons onto the coach - again an exploding balloon can distract the driver's attention. Loud singing and the playing of musical instruments should also be avoided!

Seat belts - Make sure the pupils remain seated and securely fastened in their seat belts. They should only undo their seat belt if they have to get out of their seat to use a facility such as a toilet on the coach. New legislation (May 2006) makes the wearing of seat belts on a moving coach compulsory.

Comfort stops - Pre-plan toilet/ refreshment stops with the driver. The pupils and driver should have a break about every two hours - Advise the pupils about drinks/toilet stops, especially if there isn't a toilet on the coach. Make sure the driver is aware of any special requirements for any of the pupils.

Which is our coach? - Identify the coach by some easily identifiable means - if there are several coaches on a trip, ensure there is a numbering system - new registration plates are not particularly identifiable. This is particularly important where there are large coach parks, such as at service areas, theme parks and other large venues.

Aftersales - Be sure to complete one of our 'Aftersales Forms' off the driver. We like to measure your satisfaction and we can make improvements to our service so your next experience is more enjoyable.

We wish all passengers a safe and pleasant journey.

“Thank you for considering Belle Vue for your next travel requirement. Our goal is to provide a transport service by road that is safer, cleaner and greener. We’d love to be part of your next travel adventure. Please contact our friendly team if we can assist you further.”

- Phil Hitchen M.D. Belle Vue (Manchester) Ltd.