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Terms and Conditions

Hereon Belle Vue Manchester Limited will be known as the company. The customer will be known as the hirer. By signing and returning this form the hirer has entered into a binding contract with The Company. It will be deemed that the hirer excepts responsibility by themselves for every person in their party and fully agrees to the conditions of hire as follows:

  1. Payment. For all hires a deposit of Ā£200 per vehicle per day is required to secure the transport. The remainder of the balance must be paid 14 days before departure. For tours traveling longer than two weeks the payments may be accepted in stage payments as long as these are two weeks in advance, in two weeks stage payments. (So for a 6 week tour, we should have received weeks one and two in advance, weeks three and four on departure of the tour and weeks five and six after the second week.) Payments should always be at least two weeks in advance. Payments can be made to Belle Vue Manchester Ltd. The Travel Centre, Discovery Park, Stockport. SK4 5DZ. UK. Our bank details can be available to you for bank transfers. A copy of our booking form with the terms and conditions attached has to be agreed and signed for. Acceptance of funds will be confirmed by an invoice and will be made by us that we intend to supply a Belle Vue high quality vehicle subject to our terms and conditions of carriage. Where we have agreed to accept stage payments and a payment is late and overdue, we will have no obligation to perform the contract beyond the stage for which payment has already been received by us until the late payment is settled. In addition in such case we may at any time choose to terminate the contract forthwith by written notice to you and in such case any outstanding invoices issued by us will become immediately due and payable and you will be liable to pay us a reasonable amount to cover work carried out by us which has not been billed as at termination of the contract plus any irrecoverable costs incurred by us in connection with the contract.
  2. We reserve the right to increase the fuel element of our charges at any time should the price of fuel to us increase by 8% or more from that prevailing at the time the booking is confirmed, any such increase in our charges to be commensurate with any such fuel price increase to ourselves and to cover any period during which we have to pay increased prices to our fuel supplier.
  3. Where credit is given, payment is due within 30 days of invoice date, otherwise payment in full is required prior to commencement of journey.
  4. Parking Fees & Fines. Our drivers are instructed to try to avoid parking in unsuitable locations, especially at festivals sites. If a vehicle needs towing, drivers are only permitted to accept the offer of towing services from professional towing companies to avoid causing mechanical or physical damage to the coach. If the hirer instructs the driver to park in unsuitable locations the cost of towing will be charged back to the hirer. All parking fees are to be paid by the hirer. All hirers must ensure they have budgeted and planned for coach parking feeā€™s should they be required during the excursion. Hirers will also be responsible for parking fines. The hirer shall inform the driver of the correct location to park having planned this location when planning the tour. The company accepts no liability for parking fines.
  5. Due to the size of our vehicles it may not be possible to gain access to the destination site either by physical or legal constraints. We recommend you check with the destination beforehand.
  6. All booking requests are made subject to these Conditions and are deemed to be an offer by you to buy a service from us. A contract only comes into effect if we accept the offer by accepting your deposit or payment and issuing a receipted invoice.
  7. Belle Vue Manchester Ltd cannot be held responsible for any of the following losses however caused and related costs and expenses arising out of any contract between us: pure economic loss; loss of profit; loss of business; loss of reputation; or loss due to force majeure event including, without limitation, missing travel connections and missing or arriving late for events. No refunds will be given what so ever. No monies will be given for loss of ticket costs and travel expenses of any sort. If the vehicle has to be changed prior to the booking for whatever reason a similar or alternative vehicle will be supplied at the discretion of the company. If this is unsatisfactory and the hire is cancelled a refund will be given.
  8. We will not be responsible for any failure to perform the contract in whole or in part by reason of accident, fire, traffic congestion, extreme weather, strikes or any other cause outside our reasonable control (a ā€œforce majeure eventā€) though every effort will be made to maintain the service contracted for.
  9. Nothing in these Conditions excludes or limits our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence.
  10. Save as otherwise provided our entire liability to you under or in connection with any contract formed under these Conditions will not in any event exceed the total contract price. Any losses claimed will be assessed separately in relation to each day during which the losses are claimed to have occurred and according to the rates payable for each such day so that our liability in respect of each day shall not exceed the total charge payable for that day. In the case of a contract for several vehicles, losses claimed will be assessed separately in relation to each vehicle and our liability in respect of each such vehicle will not exceed the total contract price payable in relation to such vehicle.
  11. We reserve the right to substitute any given vehicle at any time without advance notice for operational or safety reasons.
  12. Where it is not possible to use the originally quoted mode of transport, for instance no ferry spaces left, a surcharge may be necessary to complete the journey. We will discuss the options with you first.
  13. We reserve the right to sub-contract the performance of any of our obligations to suitable third party contractors but confirm we will be responsible for any acts or omissions of such persons.
  14. You accept responsibility to protect our vehicle from damage, specifically by third parties while parked at any venue but also generally during the course of the hire. This will include mitigation for damage and consequential loss caused by vinyls or items attached to the coach. 1QMF 08 issue 3 12.03.20 The Hirer shall be fully responsible and liable for any damage caused inside or outside the vehicle by the Hirer or any member of his / her party how ever caused. This includes incitement to ANY third party, which results in damage to the vehicle or its contents. The Hirer will agree to be liable for the total retail cost of the repair, and the location of the repairer will be determined by the Company. In addition the Hirer will be liable to pay the Company a fixed daily rate (determined by the Company) while the vehicle is out of commission for such repairs, plus any further incurred losses i.e. by lost bookings. Subject to the volume of damages incurred legal charges may be issued and the Police will be informed immediately.
  15. Charges are from base to base from Manchester to Manchester unless mutually agreed.
  16. We provide various amenities like, televisions, DVD players and sometimes satellite dishes and receivers. These are considered as free extras and not a condition of hiring our coaches and the failure of any such device cannot be the cause for termination of the contract or discount of the price. We do not provide any entertainment media games, CDs, DVDs, tapes or smart cards. Customers are expected to bring their own and the devices are provided for their convenience. Please note that coaches are licensed by the Motion Picture Licensing Association Ltd. and by the Performing Rights Society.
  17. Passengers are carried under the appropriate tachograph law or convention of the United Kingdom. Our driversā€™ hours are regulated by law. It is illegal for our drivers to work outside these hours. If delays are caused we will make all reasonable efforts to make time, within the law, and as common sense dictates. We will always plan trip schedules so as to minimise the risk of delays due to ā€˜driversā€™ hours restā€™ rules. However on occasion this may be unavoidable and in that case we cannot be held responsible for any losses arising due to such delays unless they are due solely to our negligence. Where possible we will plan and budget for additional drivers to cover drivers rest periods if that should be required.
  18. In the UK it is not legal to exceed 6 days of driving work without a 45-hour legal break. In certain countries this rule does not apply. For safety reasons we quote on the basis of the UK rules. Our quotations may appear higher given that we operate on a safer basis and certain countries rules are not as stringent as this. (Our quotes might appear to be higher if fresh drivers need to be flown in and the old driver put up in a hotel then flown out.) The supply of a coach and driver is made on the understanding that no liability can be accepted by Belle Vue Manchester Ltd when a coach is required to park up by the authorities for this or other hourā€™s related reasons. If you wish to avoid this risk please call in advance so the cost implications can be discussed.
  19. In Germany you are required to declare and pay VAT for the distance and passengers traveling in Germany. If our drivers are stopped they will show a combination of documents declaring you as the hirer of the coach because due to the nature of the German VAT rules, the coach company is exempt from collecting VAT (16%) where the coach is hired as a whole, but the hirer is required to declare and pay it independently. This applies to all coach companies, not just Belle Vue Manchester Ltd.
  20. If you have booked a trailer you must insure the contents yourself. You are also responsible for any documentation relating to the contents (carnet etc)
  21. It is the hirerā€™s responsibility to ensure that no documentation or people are transported illegally. Examples might be people with no work permit, merchandise with no carnet where one is required, drugs, etc. Belle Vue Manchester Ltd reserve the right to be compensated in full where a route diversion is required or where a vehicle is temporarily or permanently confiscated or where we are fined as a result of such an infringement.
  22. It is against maritime law for any passenger to remain in any vehicle on all ferry crossings within the European Community. It is the responsibility of the hirer or their representative to inform each person traveling on a Belle Vue Manchester Ltd coach that they must exit the vehicle upon or before boarding the ship.
  23. It is technically against the law for passengers to be lying on bunks while the vehicle is in motion on vehicles younger than 1998 in Germany, also in France, Italy, Spain, and most of Scandinavia. The customer warrants Belle Vue Manchester Ltd against any losses as a result of action by any such authority in the unlikely event the coach is delayed or the company is fined.
  24. In many countries it is forbidden to smoke on coaches. The hirer will ensure that no passenger smokes on the Belle Vue Manchester Ltd coach and will indemnify Belle Vue Manchester Ltd in the even that any infringer other than a Belle Vue employee is caught and the company is fined.
  25. We are only licensed and insured to carry a limited number of passengers (including babies) while moving. This limit may not be exceeded in any circumstances. The number of passengers to be carried (babies count as passengers for this purpose) should be listed in the booking request and you must notify us of any changes you may wish to make to that number at any time. In certain jurisdictions it is a legal requirement that children must wear seatbelts at all times when traveling and as our vehicles do not usually have seatbelts, we will not be able to carry children in such cases.
  26. If you are a consumer, none of these Conditions will adversely affect your rights as a consumer.
  27. These Conditions (taken together with the details contained in the confirmation of booking) constitute the entire agreement between you and us and supersede any previous agreement or representations between us.
  28. Abuse. Any passengers causing abuse either verbal or physical to any other person including passengers, members of the public or the driver, they will be asked to leave the vehicle for the benefit of the remaining party. Furthermore, in the unlikely event of any passenger being persistently abusive or causing damage to the vehicle, the Police will be informed immediately. Any outstanding part of the journey will be required to be paid for.
  29. Illegal Substances and Smoking are not permitted on the vehicle. Failure to comply with this will result in the driver asking passengers or the party to leave the vehicle. 1QMF 08 issue 3 12.03.20
  30. The Drivers Rights. The driver reserves the right to refuse admission to any person/s who he/she considers unfit to travel in the vehicle for whatever reason. They can also refuse to continue the journey if any person behaves in a manner which may be detrimental to other people, or the vehicle and its contents. In this event no refund will be given.
  31. Luggage. All luggage must be kept in the boot or side lockers on coaches. Hand luggage only is allowed in the vehicle. Walkways must be kept clear at all times in case of an emergency.
  32. Delays. Any delays caused by traffic will not entitle the customer to refunds. At the discretion of the management part refunds may be issued in the case of severe delays caused by Belle Vue.
  33. Cancellation. Cancellation of bookings will result in the customer losing their deposit. If cancellation is within 14 days of the booking being carried out the customer will lose all monies paid.
  34. Personal Possessions. Belle Vue Manchester Ltd cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to personal possessions or other property (except where caused by negligence of the company or its servants). We cannot be held responsible for the theft of such items, which occurs due to the negligence of any of the passengers, for example, failure by passengers to lock the coach doors when they have been provided with a key. We strongly recommend you take out suitable insurance to cover all travel contingencies including failure to complete any part of the journey for any reason. EU residents should carry form E111 (medical) available from Post Offices. If property is left on a vehicle at the end of the tour, reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that the property is made available for collection by the owner of the ownerā€™s agent.
  35. Items traveling in our trailer or in the vehicle storage area are not considered hand luggage and are not insured by ourselves and unless they are damaged by ourselves we cannot accept responsibility for their loss or damage. You will need to obtain suitable insurance for these items.
  36. Our Responsibilities in the event of a breakdown Breakdowns.
    Every effort is afforded to ensure the service ability of the vehicles. In the event of mechanical failure of a vehicle during a journey a replacement vehicle will be issued at the earliest opportunity. If we have been paid in advance of the journey to date by cleared funds (by full or staged payments) we will also take on the responsibility of making arrangements for onward travel to the best of our ability.
  37. We strive to surpass your expectations and to make your journey as pleasant as possible. If you have any special requirements we shall be more than pleased to attempt to accommodate them in any way shape or form. We hope you have a fantastic Belle Vue experience that makes for an excellent tour.
  38. Customer Feedback. We welcome customer feedback on all our services so we can make constant improvements to our services. Please fill in the aftersales form given by the driver or should you ever find reason to complain please contact our ā€˜Customer Services Deptā€™ on 0161 947 9477.