Health and Safety
Passionately Dedicated To Excellence

Belle Vue is an ethical, progressive and proactive organisation which cares for the well-being of every employee and all those who may be involved in, or affected by, any of our operations.
We accept our statutory duty to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all its employees, general public, visitors, contractors and any other persons who may be affected by our undertakings.
We strive to provide, and implement, a process of continual improvement to ensure a safe and healthy working environment, where this is within our influence.
Our policy is to achieve this through the development and implementation of a strong and robust safety management process, designed to meet legal requirements and reduce the risk exposure of all those affected by our activities, as far as reasonably practicable.
We undertake to comply with all our statutory health and safety obligations by:
- the establishment of management structures and appropriate resources that allow for the development of a positive safety culture within Belle Vue
- the provision and maintenance of safe plant and systems of work utilising the application of risk assessments, where required, and a recognised process for reporting and investigating accidents
- arrangements for ensuring safe use, handling, storage and transport of any hazardous substances
- the availability and communication of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of all employees
- the provision and maintenance of a safe working environment for employees with adequate facilities and arrangements for their welfare at work
Our Health and Safety Policy is based on 4 “Core Values”:
- Health and Safety is everyone’s responsibility
- Personal safety is our highest priority
- Health and Safety can, and will be effectively managed
- Every work-related injury or illness could, and should, have been prevented
Against these values Belle Vue is committed to the following
- Setting, developing and maintaining high procedural standards across all our operations
- Monitoring health & safety performance of all our operations through a system of audits, key performance indicators and review
- Consistently implementing and maintaining a process of formalised health & safety management and continual improvement across all our operations
- Facilitating the exchange of best practices and flexible resource allocation against needs, progress tracking and continuous improvement
- Setting objectives which will ensure clear and visible management accountabilities and employee responsibilities across the whole of our business
- Delivery of effective and targeted training and personal development programmes that provide the requisite knowledge, skills and competencies to support the safety management process, accountabilities and responsibilities
All employees have a legal duty to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who might be affected by their acts or omissions. All employees must co-operate, so far as is necessary, to enable Belle Vue to fulfil and comply with statutory health and safety obligations.
Our current policy is managed by C&C insurance Brokers who provide a bespoke policy that enables Belle Vue to carry a two million passengers per year in a safe and organised fashion. Our current policy is audited to ISO18001 standards.